Town Departments

The Town Hall is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am till 5:00 pm.
The Town Administrator is Mr. Gregg Whitehead, the Town Clerk is Ms. Erin Juhls and the Administrative Support Specialist is Ms. Sebrina Pierce.
We will be happy to assist you with any community questions and concerns. We handle all Zoning Permits, Plan, and Subdivision reviews at town hall.
The Richlands Community Building is available for citizens to rent for special occasions. You can contact the Town Hall for further information and rental fees.
Your water and sewer services are provided by ONWASA. However, the Town Hall serves as a satellite office for ONWASA where you can pay your water bills and address most of your account needs.

Police Department
The Richlands Police Department is headed by Police Chief William A. Horne and serves the Town of Richlands with seven full-time sworn officers, two part-time, and auxillary officers.
The Police Department is located inside the Town Hall and can be reached for non-emergencies at 324-5777.
Richlands Police Department is community oriented and offers an Explorer Program, Crime Prevention, Drug Prevention Education and Community Watch Programs. For more information you can contact them at 324-5777.
The Police Department provides fingerprinting at town hall Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm. Please call the police department at 910-324-577 to check availability.
You will frequently see our friendly officers throughout the town ensuring and providing safety to our citizens.
The Police Department provides numerous services to the residents and businesses within the town limits to include:
Responding to business and resident alarms and conducting security checks for businesses, assisting Fire Department, EMS and other law enforcement agencies when needed, all code enforcement for the town, conducting checkpoints, assisting with funeral escorts, and responding to motor vehicle crashes and resident issues,
Public Works
The streets and grounds are the responsibility of our Public Works Director, Johnathan Jarman.
The Public Works Department provides numerous services to the Town to include:
Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repairs, Mowing of Right of Ways, Edging of Sidewalks/Curb & Gutter, Street Sweeping, Street Lighting, Street Sign Replacement and Park Maintenance.
Garbage is picked up every Thursday by Waste Industries. Each resident is required to utilize the garbage cans that are provided.
Residential Curbside Recycling is provided every other Thursday by Waste Industries. Click here to view the recycling calendar or you can pick up a copy at Town Hall. Click here to view a list of items that are acceptable for recycling. There is also a dumpster in the back of Town Hall that you can use for your cardboard boxes.
Yard Waste Pickup/Policy: The Town picks up yard waste from residents each week by Friday. Leaves, grass clippings and pine straw must be placed in bags, boxes and/or similar containers. Limbs must be no longer than six feet (6’) in length, with a diameter not to exceed ten (10) inches, and shall be placed with butt ends toward the street. The maximum amount of limbs that may be placed at the curb for collection for any one pickup shall be a stack 10 feet (10’) in length, four feet (4’) in height and six feet (6’) in width. Amounts greater than this shall be disposed of by private means . Fallen trees (whether by nature or man), stumps, roots and branches larger than ten (10) inches in diameter and exceed six feet (6’) in length are not collectible by the Town and must be disposed of by private means. Please note: Limbs generated by a professional landscaping service, tree service, lot clearing, or by the voluntary removal of trees will not be collected or disposed of by the Town.
Bulk Item Pickup/Policy: On July 7, 2009, the Richlands Board of Aldermen adopted a new bulky item pickup policy in response to the recent fee increases at the Onslow County Landfill as part of a County effort to enhance the recycling of certain electronic items. Unfortunately, the Town will no longer be able to collect and dispose of televisions, computer monitors and microwave ovens placed at curbside. These items will now have to either be brought to the landfill at the owner’s expense or brought to an appropriate recycling center for disposal. The new bulky item policy link is here.