Boards and Committees

Boards and Committee members have various terms.

Committee assignments are appointed by the Mayor. Committees review important policy matters, usually prior to a larger board meeting where a decision may be made. The input of the committee members is vital in keeping board members informed.

Planning Board


Daniel Gray (ETJ), Chair

Carol Eller (ETJ)

Kent Painter

John Tripp

Jason Smith

Melissa Kepes

Marilyn Bunce

Gregg Whitehead, Town Administrator

Public Safety Committee


Alderman Kent Painter 

Alderman Tom Brown, Mayor Pro-Tem

Police Chief William A. Horne

Gregg Whitehead, Town Administrator

Finance Committee


Alderman Paul Conner

Gregg Whitehead, Town Administrator

McKinely D. Smith,  Mayor

Erin Juhls, Town Clerk

Board of Adjustment

The Zoning Board of Adjustment is a “quasi-judicial” administrative body that operates on a level between the enforcement officers and the courts. It hears and decides appeals from and reviews any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official charged with the enforcement of any ordinance adopted and in force.


Daniel Gray (ETJ), Chair

Carol Eller (ETJ)

Kent Painter

Marilyn Bunce

John Tripp

Melissa Kepes

Jason Smith

Evan Jarman (Alternate)

Gregg Whitehead, Town Administrator

Public Works Committee


Alderman Marilyn Bunce

Alderman Kandy Koonce

Johnathan Jarman, Public Works Director

Gregg Whitehead, Town Administrator