Town News
2024-2025 Fiscal Year Fee Schedule
The Town of Richlands charges various fees for several of the services that are provided. These fees are charged in order to recover the cost of providing a service and replacing assets that are consumed by municipal activities. The following table summarizes the fee schedule for various Town of Richlands services. View Fee Schedule Here.
Golf Cart Registration
The Town of Richlands is permitting golf carts that are registered with the Town and that meet certain safety requirements. Click Here to learn more about the program and golf cart requirements. For your convenience you may also print a copy of the application.
Lawn Maintenance Ordinance
Please remember to keep your lawn well maintained and free of overgrown grass and weeds. The Town Ordinance does not allow property owners to permit weed or tall grass to exceed an average of eight (8) inches in height.
*** Please Note that under the Solid Waste Ordinance, grass, yard waste and clippings are NOT permitted to fall or be placed on the street, curb, gutter, sidewalks or storm drain openings.
The Public Works Department provides yard waste pick-up every Monday and Friday mornings. Please have your clippings and leaves either bagged or boxed and placed curbside the evening prior.
New Bulky Item Pickup Policy Adopted
On July 7, 2009, the Richlands Board of Aldermen adopted a new bulky item pickup policy in response to the recent fee increases at the Onslow County Landfill as part of a County effort to enhance the recycling of certain electronic items. Unfortunately, the Town will no longer be able to collect and dispose of televisions, computer monitors and microwave ovens placed at curbside. These items will now have to either be brought to the landfill at the owner’s expense or brought to an appropriate recycling center for disposal. The new bulky item policy link is here.